Me about to do a tornado kick as a Bodan belt |
Punching as a white belt: Before and After |
These pictures are from when I was in kindergarten. I have changed alot. So has Kim's White Tiger.
Look at the picture on the middle right. Look at Master Mark in the mirror, his hair is so different now! Kim's White Tiger has totally changed too. There are now white tiger stripes on the wall and the mats are now blue and red. Look at the picture on the bottom right...Grrr, Master B. S. Lee is pretending to fall down! Masters are more silly with young kids, like they pretend to fall down when holding targets. Now that I'm older, the masters don't pretend to fall down when holding targets. I'm glad because they know I'm actually strong, so they take me seriously.
The previous poomsaes I have done and my confidence has grown stronger since I was a white belt. Now I need to do all of the previous poomsaes so I can teach other people how to do them. That's different than before because I was the one who was being taught. Before I didn't need to know all of the poomsaes because I wasn't teaching anybody else. I feel excited to teach others because if I show confidence and show strong poomsaes the people who I'll teach will also have alot of confidence and have strong poomsaes.
My past is way different than now. My confidence and my strength has grown stronger as I get older and spend more time in Tae Kwon Do. I like the present because I am more skilled.
Me as a white belt |
Me holding my card |
Me as a high white belt |
Love this post! And you are right - Master Marc and the dojang are constantly changing!! ;-)
ReplyDeleteThis is my favorite line in the post: "Now that I'm older, the masters don't pretend to fall down when holding targets. I'm glad because they know I'm actually strong, so they take me seriously."
The boys take you seriously too. You are awesome!
heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh, Thanks!